Thursday, March 10, 2011

Food for Thought

I often have lunch at a particular restaurant and nearly every time I go, I spot a woman there. She appears to be in her 50s. She is tall, thin, beautiful, with that regal graciousness that certain women seen to inherently possess. She is always alone, always reading a book or magazine, and always orders the identical dish. She eats slowly and elegantly, as if she is savoring each spoonful. One time, just after she left, I struck up a conversation with the waiter. He informed me that this woman has been coming in for lunch every single day and eating the same exact dish for at least twenty-two years, which is when he started working at this restaurant.
This astounds me. What does this say about a person that she follows a specific regimen for more than two decades, never varying any part of it? And what does it say about me that I’m so, so curious about her?


  1. I am not liking this woman to be honest, she seems a little obsessive. I bet she was married for a short while and found her husband ,"most difficult"

    But despite that I get the fascination and I would try to strike up conversation with her.

  2. My take on this episode: People are always looking for excitement and mystery, which often leads them to project certain qualities onto others. This “regal-looking” woman may have a very exciting life-story to tell, but she may also have led a life as boring as her daily menu. Rachel, as long as you keep projecting your own sense of excitement and mystery onto others you haven’t given up on life. Keep it up!

  3. Anonymous 2! Not sure why, but I sort of felt my fascination reflected badly on me (sort of like an eavesdropper or snoop). But your analysis is so optimistic and makes me feel good about myself. Thank you!
